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Bioworld on ‘How It’s Done’


​Bioworld has been on the Dutch television show 'How It's Done'. Please check it out!

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Visiting Spain

Motril, 03-04-2019

Since Bioworld is located in three different countries, we think it is very important to keep in touch with our colleagues. We do this via phone, e-mail and skype, but we also like to meet in real life. This is why two of our colleagues hopped on a plane to visit Spain. In a couple of days they visited the office, warehouse and growers of different products.

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Fruit Logistica Berlin

Berlin, 11-03-2019

On the 6th, 7th and 8th of February the Fruit Logistica took place in Berlin. Together with the other Best Fresh companies, Bioworld was present at this fair. We presented our new plastic free packing, where we got a lot of positive reactions on.

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Bio Beurs Zwolle

Zwolle, 25-02-2019

On the 23rd and 24th of January Bioworld was present at the Bio Beurs in Zwolle. This fair is always a great opportunity to meet our Dutch growers and check what is in interest of the consumer.

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Fruit Attraction Madrid

Madrid, 26-10-2018

On the 23rd, 24th and 25th of October Bioworld was present at the Fruit Attraction in Madrid. Since one of our departments is located in Spain, the fair in Madrid is always very important for us. We can look back on a very successful fair and we hope to see you all in Madrid next year.

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Bioworld – Rooted in the future

Poeldijk, 01-09-2018

Today we are proud to announce that the team of BioFrucht Niederrhein, Bio Montaña and Bio World will continue as one organization named Bioworld, which name we also will use as our trademark. Fiscally all companies will continue as they are now, but functionally we will operate as one.


This new way of working is asking for a new look and feel. We created a new logo with a stronger corporate look. The blue and yellow refer to two important ‘ingredients’ for growing: water and sun.


Shall we grow together?